The Inaugurate of NEWTATCO High-rise Apartment Project-Hoai Duc, Hanoi
On December 12th, 2017, New Technology Application and Tourism Company Limited (NEWTATCO) held the inaugurate of NEWTATCO High-rise Apartment Complex Project in Lai Xa (Kim Chung, Hoai Duc, Hanoi).
This ceremony received the presence of the investor’s representatives, local authorities and delegates from other units attending this project. Mr Do Quoc Huynh- Chairman of the Board, Generak Director of TEXO Consultancy & Investment Joint Stock Company attended the event on behalf of the Consultant Unit.

This project comprises 2 9-storey blocks (CT1 & CT2) standing symmetrically on the plot 1 with the total area of 6.449,7 m2 and 1 7-storey standing on the plot 2 with the total area of 1.825,4 m2. There is a park, space for amusement between CT1 and CT2 block, which makes a beautiful background for the whole buildings. On the 1st floor of these apartment blocks, there are garages for parking with the total area of 2.063,2 m2, 03 public rooms with the total area of 223,4 m2 and 03 trade centers with the total area of 232 m2.